I had Dave Morgan assist me on the shoot as we didn't have a great deal of time, we set up a 2 metre by 1 metre Lastolite black backdrop, one lighting stand with a 580 speedlight and a reflector to camera right, all set up at the Cricket Clubs hospitality suite. The set up was simple and with the off camera flash to the left of camera it was just a matter of using a balance of light with the manual controls of the MK IV. The flash was powered down to 1/8th and just moved closer to the cricketers when needed, manual camera settings were 1/60 @ F11-F16 ISO 125. The post production work was just a case of lightening the portraits and a high pass filter in CS4 to give the detail and edge to the photographs. As well as promoting the club a series of these will also be used for major sponsor Shepherd Neame. The reason for the delay of the photos appearing on my blog was to keep the kit and new logos under wraps until the new season started last week.