BLOG 2013


Bramfield House School caters for an age range of 10-18 year olds boys, and is registered for 55 pupils. It is situated in rural Suffolk 10 minutes drive from the heritage coast. The residential accommodation consists of the main house sitting in 10 acres of gardens and 1 mile from the centre of the village of Bramfield.

I visited the school just under three years ago and saw a lot of familiar faces at Bramfield. The main photography consisted of taking portraits of the teachers, pupils and other support staff. Once this was completed I then covered a variety around the schools impressive exterior, which included a newly installed adventure playground, allotment and the grounds surrounding the impressive house. Classroom photographs then followed art, covering cooking, design and technology, science and afterwards some more informal shots of the pupils and staff relaxing.

Quick note about the 1DX's first outing, nice to use the familiar menu and set up that was on the 5D MK3, the feel of the camera is great, the hand grip being a bit more contoured and comfortable then the 1D4. I used the 24-70mm on the camera all day and now having a full frame 1D it provided all of the options I needed at the school. As mentioned in my previous post the cameras auto white balance works extremely well and after just having a quick look at some files they look clean, sharp and natural.