BLOG 2020

In this world of companies and staff having an online presence the world of professional portrait photography has seen an uptake in commissions away from the studio, now clients are after more natural images, either in their own working environment or away from the standard white backdrops. I always like the idea of portrait shoots away from the studio set ups, they still have their place but now, kore that ever we need ourselves to stand out from the competition.
The photos I have included cover business people, mechanics, Paralympian athletes, Scientists and a fitness coach, so all types of clients and companies represented, a lot locally in Kent and then further afield in London and Surrey.
I'm using the Profoto lighting equipment all the time now, it just adds depth and some extra backlight to the photos for me. It also allows you to become more creative and under expose the main image and let the lighting add some fill in flash to the shots. Can't wait to get back to taking more portraits soon, in the mean time i'm using this time to play around with my 105mm macro lens, this is also a great focal length for portraits.
Stay safe and when we get put out of this lockdown I look forward to catching up and taking portraits of you and your colleagues.
The photos I have included cover business people, mechanics, Paralympian athletes, Scientists and a fitness coach, so all types of clients and companies represented, a lot locally in Kent and then further afield in London and Surrey.
I'm using the Profoto lighting equipment all the time now, it just adds depth and some extra backlight to the photos for me. It also allows you to become more creative and under expose the main image and let the lighting add some fill in flash to the shots. Can't wait to get back to taking more portraits soon, in the mean time i'm using this time to play around with my 105mm macro lens, this is also a great focal length for portraits.
Stay safe and when we get put out of this lockdown I look forward to catching up and taking portraits of you and your colleagues.