BLOG 2018

Brooklands Museum was the location for the car photography one to one training course, on a very wet Thursday afternoon. I had the Profoto lighting with me and the company had very kindly loaned me a Canon transmitter so that Emma could use the B1 and B2 location lighting set up, with the addition of the rain this created some very atmospheric images, especially with some of the close ups.
Friend and fellow photographer Alan Swain came along with his new 718 Cayman, the dark grey Mustang and white Porsche gave a challenge on terms of lighting and composition, the day brightened up after lunch and we made use of the puddles and cloudy skies to create some wider images using the airfield with the iconic Concorde as a backdrop. During the day we went through lenses, composition, using different angles and also with the aid of the Profoto lighting getting it right in camera.
The one to one trying courses can be on any element of photography, cars, fashion, portraiture or just running through the basics of the camera and covering street photography. If you have any questions about training then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Friend and fellow photographer Alan Swain came along with his new 718 Cayman, the dark grey Mustang and white Porsche gave a challenge on terms of lighting and composition, the day brightened up after lunch and we made use of the puddles and cloudy skies to create some wider images using the airfield with the iconic Concorde as a backdrop. During the day we went through lenses, composition, using different angles and also with the aid of the Profoto lighting getting it right in camera.
The one to one trying courses can be on any element of photography, cars, fashion, portraiture or just running through the basics of the camera and covering street photography. If you have any questions about training then please do not hesitate to contact me.