BLOG 2017

Location model photography is one of my favourite styles, portable lighting, the stretch of Southbank in London which has such a variety of backdrops, including Big Ben, St paul's and loads of hidden areas along the way. I had assistant Anna with me on the shoot, this was the second week of her work experience and having someone to control the portable Profoto B2 flash was invaluable.
Phoenix Red will be one of the models on my Brooklands fashion course in September, today was a n opportunity to meet up with her and to cover a few fashion styles. The weather was bright for the most part and the we did have some rain the underneath of Blackfriars Bridge was the perfect setting. I have been using the Sigma 85mm Art lens a lot recently and decided to use it for the fashion portrait shoots entirety. Using the high speed sync option on the B2 and Nikon D4S I was able to shoot wide open with a fast enough shutter speed to keep the background at a shallow depth of field. Two costume changes allowed for a variety of portraits, close up and full length, also using a mix of portrait and landscapes for variety.
If you are interested in one to one fashion workshops in London, or September 24th fashion workshop at Brooklands Museum then please contact me for further details.
Phoenix Red will be one of the models on my Brooklands fashion course in September, today was a n opportunity to meet up with her and to cover a few fashion styles. The weather was bright for the most part and the we did have some rain the underneath of Blackfriars Bridge was the perfect setting. I have been using the Sigma 85mm Art lens a lot recently and decided to use it for the fashion portrait shoots entirety. Using the high speed sync option on the B2 and Nikon D4S I was able to shoot wide open with a fast enough shutter speed to keep the background at a shallow depth of field. Two costume changes allowed for a variety of portraits, close up and full length, also using a mix of portrait and landscapes for variety.
If you are interested in one to one fashion workshops in London, or September 24th fashion workshop at Brooklands Museum then please contact me for further details.