BLOG 2017

Photography wise I was asked to capture the evenings entertainment which had a host of activities for the 140 staff to enjoy. The party games included a coconut shy, crazy golf, a surfboard which tied in with the Hawaiian theme and a live band to see the evening out. Always nice to cover events photography in Canterbury for clients, and knowing the venue so well is always a bonus.
I have covered the photography for the LIBF for ten years now, predominantly in London capturing financial seminars and events so it was nice to see everyone in a relaxed environment enjoying the hospitality at St Martins priory in Canterbury. I stuck mainly to the 85mm Sigma 1.4 art lens lens which is perfect for these events and capturing candies of everyone, the 20mm prime wide angle was used for some group photos and setting the scene photos.
I have covered the photography for the LIBF for ten years now, predominantly in London capturing financial seminars and events so it was nice to see everyone in a relaxed environment enjoying the hospitality at St Martins priory in Canterbury. I stuck mainly to the 85mm Sigma 1.4 art lens lens which is perfect for these events and capturing candies of everyone, the 20mm prime wide angle was used for some group photos and setting the scene photos.